“You reap what you sow.”

Karmic Diagnostics can reveal the connection between person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour to their condition or illness, and frequently also to the illness of their children.

The Karmic Diagnostics technique was developed by Russian bioenergy therapist Sergey Nikolayevich Lazarev. In Slovenia, people have probably heard about the biotherapist Marjan Ogorevc, a teacher of this technique.

When should Karmic Diagnostics be used?

When we want to understand the energetic-informational causes of problems, change disturbing patterns, and establish a new way of thinking, reacting, and evaluating life. It is also useful when problems do not yet exist on the physical level.

How does Karmic Diagnostics work?

Understanding karmic law is the fundamental guiding principle. The term karma is derived from Sanskrit, the oldest Indian language, and it literally means an action with consequences. We often use the term to describe the action and its effect. The term karma is used in esotericism to describe the connection between cause and effect, which is not always obvious. Today, we are reaping what we have sown in the past, but we are also sowing anew through our actions, thoughts, and words. When we truly embrace this realisation within ourselves, we achieve a state of total acceptance of life, which manifests as acting in accordance with natural laws, thus no karma is being created. As a result, we are more peaceful, content, joyful, kind, and compassionate.

The aim of a spiritual path is to live and operate in a manner that enables the resolution of karma without generating additional karmic consequences.

Karmic Diagnostics illuminates the subtle connections between the past and the present by showing that the cause of our problems, illnesses, or difficult situations is often the result of some action, trauma, feeling, emotion, event, relationship, or condition in the recent or distant past, of which we may or may not be aware.

Using Karmic Diagnostics, we can determine the link between person’s thoughts, feelings, actions, and his or her condition or illness, and often also to the illness of their children.

According to Karmic Diagnostics, every action and inaction, as well as one’s conscious and unconscious experience of oneself, others, and the broader environment, is significant. How we feel inwardly is actually more relevant as how we show ourselves outwardly: for example, whether we are angry only in thought or also in action, is to our detriment in both cases. Negativity contributes to the creation and reinforcement of harmful patterns across all aspects of our existence. Physically, it leads to fatigue, pain, and illness. Emotionally, it results in a lack of love, unhappiness, and challenging relationships. Mentally, it breeds apathy, purposelessness, resistance to life, and the formation of destructive patterns. Spiritually, it hinders our progress and keeps us stuck.

We will only be able to see those subconscious patterns, traumas, and other causes of problems that we are emotionally ready to resolve. As time passes, we may reach a point when we are ready to address previously hidden patterns and challenges. Issues that were once hidden or unresolved may come to the surface. By applying newfound insights, we become more aware and used to overcoming the obstacles that hinder our journey toward embracing our authentic selves and inner essence. This process leads us to delve deeper into our hearts and true being. If we understand the laws of karma correctly, we can see that we are responsible for our own lives and have far more control over them than we usually believe. We can overcome even the most difficult illnesses with proper understanding and awareness of the root causes. It is critical to understand that we are discussing RESPONSIBILITY, not GUILT.