All negative feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are a result of blocked energy. Rather than focusing on the disease or pain itself, the PEAT methodology focuses on the source of the problem, on uncovering negative beliefs and patterns.

Živorad Mihajlović Slavinski created PEAT, a method that integrates acupuncture, kinesiology, breathing techniques, and meridian work. It brings together and enhances these different approaches. The understanding of energy flow through the meridians is the foundation of the PEAT (Primordial Energy Activation in Transcendence) method. As such, it can be classified as meridian therapy. Meridian therapy focuses on the underlying, invisible sources of emotional and mental difficulties, which are rooted in the energy field. To achieve spiritual healing and growth, it is essential to modify the energy field.

All negative emotions, thoughts, and beliefs stem from an interruption in the flow of energy. The PEAT method concentrates on the root cause of the issue by revealing negative patterns and beliefs, going beyond mere focus on illness and pain, although it can be applied in those contexts too. It also tackles emotional and mental obstacles that hinder optimal results.

The PEAT method not only facilitates inner growth but also aims for spiritual liberation. It’s important to note that the real work begins after the completion of the PEAT process. Once we have released the burdens, we must also learn to live without them and navigate life’s challenges in a new way.

This therapeutic method allows for the resolution and removal of a wide range of traumas without eliciting emotional reactions. The session does not need to be repeated if the problem is clearly defined and the individual is active in putting what they have learned into practise.

What is the process of therapy or energy transformation?

The person maintains conscious of his or her problem while gently touching certain points on meridians, stimulating electrical currents and redistributing energy in the aura. This results in neutralisation of unpleasant states in our consciousness and in the body. As a therapist, I take you to the heart of the problems so that you can overcome them during the process. Neutralisation makes you feel lighter and more connected to yourself.