Individual mentoring encompasses counselling sessions on a monthly basis. We always begin at the point most beneficial for your current situation. Using the information I receive from your biofield, I find the causes of your current mental and emotional state. I help you understand the active mental and emotional patterns in the form of beliefs, perceptions, fears, expectations, etc., that are impeding your progress. I help you become aware of them and I teach you how to overcome them so that you can move forward.

You learn a variety of useful techniques and methods, that help you get in touch with yourself and your heart. Each session includes a meaningful practical homework and instructions for your daily tasks. Gradually, you gain independence and stability.

The benefit of regular monthly sessions is that you are guided to work on yourself continuously. You learn to maintain a positive attitude regardless of what life brings you, until this attitude becomes your second nature.

Individual Mentoring entails regular monthly sessions lasting from 90 to 120 minutes that are tailored to your current situation and needs. They can be more conversational, therapeutic, or a combination of the two, depending on what is needed. At the first session, the purpose and direction are defined. Sessions dates are set in advance and must be respected, except in special circumstances. The mentoring programme proved to be useful for at least 9 months, and never for more than 2 years.

First visit – €170

Subsequent visits – €160.

If necessary, you can choose to supplement the programme. This enables you to contact me outside of the scheduled dates, when a question, dilemma, complication, or problem arises. This way, I can also provide you with:
– Guidance and support until your next appointment
– Answers to your theoretical and practical questions
– Tackling practical problems related to the topic (if no individual treatment is required).

Surcharge: €110

Sessions can be held in person or online.

Everybody participating in individual mentoring program has the opportunity to attend monthly Group Dynamics workshops free of charge.